Podcast – South Africa 2024: A New World Dawning?

This recording is from “South Africa 2024: A New World Dawning?” which was an hour long webinar by Dr Azar Jammine held on 05 June 2024.

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NOTE:  Sarah Lockwood, who was to be one of our two speakers, was unexpectedly admitted to hospital for an emergency surgery operation. She is OK but obviously could not join us. She hopes to produce an updated presentation once she has recovered.

Some of the areas the talk addressed, were:

  • The outcome of the 2024 national and provincial elections
  • What this means for the ANC and South Africa going forward
  • How the election results are likely to impact policy, the economy, and the business environment


Dr Azar Jammine is the Director and Chief Economist of Econometrix (Pty) Ltd which is South Africa’s leading independent economic research consultancy and forecasting company. Since 1985, he has established a significant domestic profile as an economic analyst and commentator and has conducted more than 5,000 presentations. Over the years, he has been invited to be an independent non-executive director of six Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed companies. Azar has a: BSc (Hons) in Mathematical Statistics and a BA (Hons) in Economics at the University of the Witwatersrand, followed by an MSc in Economics from the LSE and a PhD at the London Business School.

Sarah Lockwood is an Assistant Professor in Politics and Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, where she specialises in accountability and development in Southern Africa. She has covered and analysed events in South Africa for over 20 years, first as a Cape Town based journalist, and subsequently as an academic. Her current work is primarily focused on the relationship between the government and civil society, and the ways in which this affects policy development and implementation. She holds: a BA from Columbia University; an MSc from the University of Oxford; and an MA and PhD in from Harvard University. She also has a research affiliation at the Institute for Democracy, Citizenship and Public Policy in Africa at the University of Cape Town, where she co-directs the Political Parties in Africa Project.