Eastern Africa Politics and Security in 2017: Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward

Date: 2017 March 22, Wednesday
Time: 08:00 - 10:00
Most Eastern Africa countries have registered increased economic growth and investment in the last decade with visible large infrastructure projects. However, in spite of the often lauded 'Africa Rising' narrative, increasing income inequalities and security threats continue to impede governance and development. This presentation hopes to highlight East Africa's progress and challenges towards prosperity.
The presentation will cover the following areas:
- A general overview of the political, security and economic situation
- The rise of the developmental state in Tanzania
- What would Magufuli do? Tanzania After Magufuli prospects
- Al-shabaab and the security implications in Kenya and Uganda
- Impact of infrastructure projects like the Standard Gauge Rail (SGR) and the LAPSSET corridor
- Kenya's 'winner takes all' politics and Uganda's ‘movementocracy’ prospects
- Prospects of the 2017 elections in Kenya
Njoki Wamai is a Gates Cambridge Scholar who has recently completed a PhD in Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge. She focused on the politics of intervention in Kenya with regards to the International Criminal Court. Njoki has previously worked in governance, security and development think tanks and charities in Kenya as a researcher. She has consulted for the United Nation's Development Programme and the Women's entity, UNIFEM on youth and women's inclusion. She is a contributor of leading Kenyan dailies and online blogs such as the This is Africa, Pambazuka News and the Huffington Post. She is an alumnus of the University of Nairobi and King's College London.